Ever been curious about the science behind Siri or the way Instagram/Facebook screen millions of posts and captions daily for fake news? Well, look no further, because we have just the workshop for you! In this hands-on workshop, we explore some interesting applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP), where you will even get to create your own implementations of NLP models! We begin from scratch, with an introduction to one of the most fundamental types of Machine Learning (ML) models, and take a look at how it can be used in different problem contexts. The main part of the workshop then uses these fundamentals to introduce NLP as an application of ML, with some interesting datasets from sources like NUSMODS and Google Reviews. Finally, we wrap things up with a little contest based on a real life problem where the winner gets to walk away with some fun prizes!
Machine Learning
Have you ever wondered about a future where robots could think just like humans? What if we told you there already was a way? Well, not entirely. Join our workshop to learn more about Machine Learning, with a focus on Neural Networks - a way that computers learn that is meant to mimic the neurons in our own brains! With no experience in programming, we will give you a quick taster into the buzzword that is "Machine Learning" and help you learn more about how you can apply these to real-world problems in just 2 hours! We will explain the fundamental concepts behind how Neural Networks work and provide you ready-to-use code that you can implement in your future projects! Do be sure to stay till the end where we explore how to use Neural Networks for computers to tell apart images as well!
Machine Learning
Learn how to code and host a portfolio website in 2 hours using HTML/CSS and Bootstrap framework to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers!
Web Development
Learn how to harness the power of Cloud Computing to create an application that brings society together!
Looking to put your Javascript knowledge to good use? Consider making interactive websites with the programme language! Our upcoming workshop on 3 February 2021, 7pm would be great to gather a sense of how to do so!
Web Development
Javascript is one of the most popular programming laguages out there, and what better time than now to learn a little more about it! Join our Javascript workshop on 27 January 2020, 7pm for new learnings that may be applicable in the future!
Web Development
Seeking a chance to learn more about coding? Look no further as our very first workshop will cover that! Join us on 20 January 2021, 7pm to gather new knowledge on coding languages such as HTML and CSS.
Web Development
Keen to enter the world of trading but lack the time to manage your portfolio? Why not automate your trading decisions? Get started through our workshop on 2 February 2021, 7pm on Algorithmic Trading!
We all know the importance of managing our finances, though how well can we actually do it? Catch our next workshop on 26 January 2021, 7pm for some helpful advice to improve your financial journey, complemented with the use of Python!
Join us for our last session to gain more exposure and practice on the various classification of algorithms.
Data Science
Learn more about Machine Learning and Regression in our second Data Science workshop!
Data Science
Machine Learning
Learn more about the fundamentals of Python and Data Science conducted by our very own Tech Team!
Data Science